S.H.GOREN Management & Innovation LTD (SHG) specializes in providing full solutions using advanced technologies in the fields of Emergency preparedness and Firefighting.
Our products have proven experience and success, and they are used daily all over the world.
We pay attention not only to the product quality, but also to the user’s safety and the environment aspects. Even more, we are active in initiatory projects of developing new systems and solutions to the Firefighting & Emergency market worldwide.
SHG is ISO 9001:2015 accredited.

Our systems give the highest solution for various types of fire under 4 basic principles:




Proven field success

Spring 2018 - Gaza Border- Torch kites

November 15th, 2015 Haifa port- Corn Ship extinguishment:
Big forces of Fire fighters extinguished a fire that started in a ship’s storage bay that stored 6500 ton of corn. While unloading the corn, a port employee noticed smoke coming out from the ship’s storage. The first attempt to extinguish the fire with CO2 failed. Because extinguishing the fire with water would have damaged the inner structure of the ship and its balance, firefighters used a low dosage of FireAde2000 with minimal added water. The firefighters quickly gained control on the fire without damaging to the ship.

April 18th, 2016 Civil bus extinguishment after of a terror bomb explosion:
On April 2016 a bomb exploded in a civil bus near Talpiot neighborhood in. 21 people were injured and a few vehicles that were close to the bus caught on fire. Fire fighters that arrived at the scene quickly startd to extinguish the fire and looked for trapped civilians on the bus. To quickly gain control of the fire, the fire fighters used FireAde2000.

November 22nd, 2016 Fire at Dolev village
At November 2016 because of dry & windy weather conditions, Israel suffered from major fires throughout the country. On the night of November 22nd, a fire started near the villager “Dolev”. The fire spread very fast to the village houses that were evacuation from civilians. The village emergency team, that were equipped with FireAde2000 inside their firefighting trailer, were able to gain control of the fire with their first response equipment. FireAde2000 enables simple fire equipment to extinguish fire quickly and effectively.

April 4th, 2016 Fire in “Mea Shearim”- Jerusalem
On April 4th, 2016 a fire started in an apartment building in tight and narrow Mea Shearim neighborhood. Because of the density of the buildings in the neighborhood the fire spread very fast. The fire fighters had difficulties reaching the burning buildings. The fire fighters used FireAde2000 through their fire trucks because of its non-toxic characteristics. The fire was extinguished quickly, many lives and property were saved.

July 7th, 2015 – A car parking fire – Holon
On July 7th, 2015 a fire started in a car parking in Holon. 30 cars caught fire. Firefighting units arrived at the scene, they used water mixed with a low dosage of FireAde2000 (0.5%). In a matter of minutes, the fire was extinguished.